Anchor: any load bearing attachment to which any part of a belay system is attached. Anchor system: a group of individual anchors to which any part of a belay system is attached.
Abseiling: descending vertical or near vertical natural surfaces or artificial surfaces using ropes and descending friction devices to manage the decent. It is also known as rappelling. Activity leader(s): collective noun for canyoning assistant guide(s), guide(s) and/or instructor(s).
Belay System: the means by which the climber or abseiler is protected from an uncontrolled fall or descent.
Belayer: a person that operates the belay system.
Bottom belay: belaying a climber or abseiler from the bottom of a pitch.
Bottom braking: the controlling of the descent of an abseiler, by a belayer located below the abseiler applying tension to the abseil rope. Used as a method of belaying the abseiler if they lose control of the descent.
Bouldering: a form of climbing activity, limited in height and for which fall safety can be achieved by the provision of an impact absorbing system, by a spotter providing control of a fall or by a combination of these measures. (Also see deep-water belay and spotter.)
Buoyancy aid: a device that provides additional buoyancy in water. (For example, inflatable mattress, waterproofed backpack, kickboard, noodle, etc.) Also see Lifejacket.
Bushwalking: walking in natural areas.
Camping: the use of a temporary site for overnight camping.
Canyons: geological formations that involve flowing or dry watercourse(s). (Also known as gorges.)
Canyoning: the descent, traversing and/or ascent of a canyon using a range of techniques.
Carabiner: (refer connector).
Caving: entering and/or moving though underground passages and/or caverns.
Climbing: ascending, traversing or descending vertical or near vertical natural surfaces or artificial surfaces. (Also see rock climbing).
Competence: ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve expected results. Competencies: the plural of competence. Having competence in more than one ability. Competent: leader/participant/person/assessor: someone who has the competence to perform specific functions.
Connector(s): a metal device used to link components together. A connector (carabiner) may be:
• Non-locking: a connector (carabiner) that cannot be locked to prevent it opening.
• Locking: a connector (carabiner) that can be manually locked and unlocked to reduce the possibility of it opening
• Auto-locking: a connector (carabiner) that will automatically lock to prevent it from opening and requires two or more deliberate actions to unlock.
Contact rescue: a rescue requiring an activity leader to manoeuvre to the persons actual location to physically assist them.
Terms to be found here: