Italy is a land full of canyons for all kinds of levels of canyoning. Canyoning in Italy started earlier than the 80’s but it was until the mid 90’s that many canyoners expressed the need for a national association, so Associazione Italiana Canyoning (AIC) was born in 1998. All fans of canyoning in Italy, from the beginner to the great explorer, from the sporadic canyoner to the athlete, the technical perfectionist, the hiker, the scientist and the curious found a “place” that they could call home.
Internet was a great help for the development of the association and collaborations with people interested in this unique sport and other associations of canyoning abroad has offered growth and expansion of the AIC.
Associazione Italiana Canyoning(AIC) is aiming to provide its more than 600 members with:
• Knowledge, interchange and improvement
• Courses of all levels
• Representation in local and global meetings and events
• Publications on canyons and topos of the Italian district and more
• Organization of International Canyoning Rendezvous
• Protection of the environment with gorge cleaning, scientific initiatives, gatherings and meetings.
The greatest aim of Associazione Italiana Canyoning(AIC) is to welcome all “non-commercial” canyoners in a single family and promote the activity of canyoning with safety, support and understanding of the needs of all of its members.
To read more about the Associazione Italiana Canyoning (AIC) visit the following links:
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