Need to improve your sex life? Start Canyoning! Countless articles, blog posts, books and essays are written about how regular exercise can reduce various health issues. However, they also show one more surprising effect which is none other than a significant improvement on your sex life.
Canyoning is an extreme sport with fans all over the world – men and women. As you probably have figured it out, adrenaline appears to be a natural Viagra for men but alsowomen show greater sexualdesire when being physically active. Many studies have proven that people participating in vigorous exercise programs got more sexual active. Once their fitness levels increased they reported unexpected improvement in their sex life.
During Canyoning your body experiences increased blood flow, it is getting stronger every time and the level of your testosterone is rising. Contact with nature and the particularity of the environment in a canyon produce high levels of endorphins – the happiness hormones. An enhanced self-image from overcoming the “obstacles” during your descent is more likely to make you feel sexually desirable, with greater strength, stamina and flexibility – all leading to better sex. To become a good canyoner is all about preparation, respect, safety management, skills, observation, courage, determination and attention to detail – more or less the same as… to become a good lover. Canyoning is playful, joyful and fun. It is teaching you how to respect and protect yourself and your fellow team members. When canyoning you try not to jeopardise, expose to danger or pose a threat toany of them. This is building up your character and is improving your openness to meeting new people. Being in the idyllic surroundings of a canyon can be a very romantic scenery to meet your other half or just a sex partner if you are both aiming at it.