Dvls canyoning and caving headlamp was created at the end of 2012. The construction was designed and created by a Greek professional mechanic, extreme canyoner/caver and member/instructor of a canyoning/caving club in Athens. He was dreaming of a high performance, economical and durable head torch.
He constructed the first, trial model MK2 and for over 15 months used it in various outdoor activities but mainly in caves and canyons. After concluding all measurements and statistics he was able to finally construct this unique headlamp to today’s version. The headlamp is ideal for canyoning, caving, mountaineering, canoe, kayak, ski, river trekking, rafting, search & rescue (SAR). It can be easily attached to any helmet.
To read more information about Dvls canyoning and caving headlamp you can visit http://www.dvls.gr/ and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dvls.gr/about/?ref=page_internal.
What is so important about this product during canyoning? A very practical innovation. You can change the batteries even in the water! How? Just watch this short video and study this unique feature: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScFaKf_vnPA&t=2s