The day started very early in the morning! Teams had already decided in which canyon they would go and everybody left after breakfast to manage to visit the nearest canyons, get to lunch on time, so they could participate in the official opening ceremony of RIC2020CRETE.
The weather was divine but the canyons were dry. However this was no excuse for hard feelings, as everybody was in a good mood. This day was an historical day for the organization of RIC events throughout the years. After two cancelations due to the pandemic, all participants, as they are all experienced canyoners, knew that Cretan canyons are dry at this time of year, but supported Yannis Bromirakis and attended the randez-vouz even if the possibilities of finding a canyon with a lot of water were very limited.
The official opening event took place in the Cultural Center of Heraklion, where we had the opportunity to see the presentation of Yannis for his new book about the Cretan technical canyons. The book, a life’s work for the people creating it, was beautifully described and he acknowledged the people who worked so hard to make this accomplishment happen.
The band of Greek musicians played well-known and favourite melodies of Theodorakis, Tsitsanis, Vamvakaris as well as traditional rhythms, arousing the audience that clapped and sang softly. My team decided to stay in the city and have dinner in one of the finest restaurants in town with alternative delights and the perfect tsikoudia, so everybody got back to the hotel with a big smile looking for the next day in great anticipation.